"Amy is a bona fide pet lover, fluff obsesser and pet sitter extraordinaire. I've never met anyone who cares about animals more than Amy which is why I am very happy to welcome Amy into my home to catsit whilst my 'staff' go away on fabulous holidays without me. Amy also has discerning taste as she decreed my tail one of the fluffiest she'd ever seen. I was very pleased about this. She also managed to do all the things my staff normally do - feed me, entertain me, feed me some more, try to cuddle me, play with me, pyjama party with me - at an excellent standard.
As a result I have no hesitation recommeding Amy for all your petsitting needs, no matter how small or big, and I regularly do!
With love from the office of Schröder Quirke and his staff Mr & Mrs Quirke-Rees"